Boy, have I fell into some great stuff (pronounce “stuff” to your own really, really great explicative liking).
My roommate just bought a house out in Harford County, MD (that’s about the boondocks for you in other locals). My options were:
A) move back with mom and dad
B) get a place of my own, or
C) move in with him and continue to mooch.
I’m definitely a “C” type of guy so now I’m moving out to the country.
So last night I’m seeing this place for the first time (as I’m moving my stuff in) and we decide to go get a drink to celebrate my roommate’s life and soul now belonging to a heartless bank. On the way there, I spot (yes, say it in awe) an “Outback” Steak house about 2 miles from my new house. Civilization as we know it is only two miles from my house (when I was younger, it was McDonalds; and that’s only a mile). I highly recommend the “Bloomin’ Onion” and the “Coconut Shrimp”. A meal in themselves. Round it out with a huge mug-O-beer and you’ll have a square meal recommended by most of our federal government officials (and you thought Congress’s incompetence was from natural ability).
Well anyway, we stopped off at this bar called “Bill Batemans”. There are several all over the place and they’re all cop bars. If you ever decide to get some working capital by robbing a bar in Baltimore, choose a bar other than these. You’ll start an argument in the bar over who gets to shoot you. The Disc Space Conservation Society was all bellied up around the bar. They gave me a wave as I came in, ate half of my wings, then asked me to say “Hello” from them.
Apparently they have a list of a few of us that haven’t yet erased all these. If you get an invitation from the DSCS to Batemans, don’t go.